New Year, New Beginnings

This is where I share with you all my goals and expectations for 2021. In theory, it seems a little late to do it after an entire month of the year has gone by. Can you believe that? It flew by. It doesn’t matter that we are starting February, for one we can make our own rules and I’ve decided there’s never a wrong time to give yourself a goal. Also, in a way, my year is really beginning right now. 

Let me tell you more about how January 2021 went for me. My grandfather died, my grandmother was hospitalized with Covid (she is doing well now, fully recovered) and I quit my job.

Quitting my job after 12 years at the same company, been working there since I graduated, was not a simple choice. It was unrelated to the other things going on, something I had been pondering since late last year, but I can’t deny it helped me take the last step. Life is too short, things can change so fast. It motivated me to stop waiting and take a chance. 

Friday, January 29, was my last day at work. Today, February 1 of 2021 is the first day of being a self-employed, full-time writer. Which is a nicer way of saying I’m unemployed 😂. Today is the start of a new journey. One that will be full of uncertainty, but that I’m excited to take. 

My goal and hope is to turn writing into my full-time job. I don’t know if it will be possible, but I’m going to try. I’m going against all the common advice and conventional wisdom. My income right now from my writing is exactly $0, I don’t even have a book out. I only have dreams and determination. 

There were many reasons I quit, I’m lucky enough to have a safety net for at least a few months. In 6 months or a year I maybe, probably will have to find a 9 to 5 (7 to 5 in Colombia actually) job. But for now, I’m going to focus all my energy on making my dream come true. 

That said, February is the month I not only start my new path, but is also my birthday month so it makes sense I treat it like the start of my year. Here are my goals for this upcoming year.

  • Finish editing and publish my debut novel “Match to Love”
  • Write and publish two more books (I already have one in process)
  • Dedicate two hours a week to study writing/publishing related things

That’s pretty much it. I want to keep my goals clear and achievable. If I can do more, I will do more. But I want to set up myself for success.

As always, I will take you along for the ride, wherever it leads us.