Book Update #9 – One Journey Ends, Another Begins

I finished the first draft of my book. I’m looking at those words right now, I just wrote them, and I still can’t believe it’s real. About 9 months ago I decided to write a book, I said it out loud to make it real. But I was never sure if I would actually be able to do it.

I celebrated the milestone the day it happened on my twitter. But it deserves its own post here too. A place where I can easily come back to if I need to remind myself of this journey.

I’ve been sharing some of the process right here on the blog. I talked about those first days, where my daily goal was to write 250 words and I struggled with it. How It has hard to establish a routine of writing every day on those first weeks.

I let everybody know when I got to 5,000 words written, back in February. It was a big milestone for me, back then. Then Covid-19 hit, and I spent at least two months without writing.

I remember clearly the day I realized finishing a first draft was possible. After I participated in #100wordsofsummer and wrote close to 20,000 words in two weeks, I felt like it was just a matter of keeping that energy up until I finished writing. I did. From then on I wrote 1000 words every day, no matter what.

Today I have a file with over 80k words. It’s not a book yet. I know that. I started revising it yesterday, and I already rewrote most of the first chapter. It will go trough at least one whole rewrite, some editing. Not to mention finding a cover, designing it, promoting it.

There’s still a lot left to do. But I’m excited about every step of the way. I’m learning every day, not only about writing but also about the publishing process as a whole.

As much as I wish everything was done and I could finally share this work with the world, I’m also enjoying the process. It may take longer, but when the book finally gets to you, I want it to be the best version of it.

If you want to be the first one to know when the book is ready to go out and become one of the first ones to read it. Sign up to my newsletter to stay in touch.