ARC Team

Join the Advance Review Copy Team

Johana Gavez has a small team of avid readers who get early access to her books, about two weeks before the official release, at no cost. All she asks is that you leave an honest review to help spread the word about her books. As an indie writer, reviews are fundamental to reach new readers and ARC (Advance Reader/Review Copy) are one of the few tools authors can use to get more reviews.

How do I join Johana’s ARC Team?

To be a member of Johana’s ARC team please fill out the form below where you’ll find some basic questions to apply. Please note that applying does not automatically mean you will be accepted.

The only requirements is that you must be able and willing to leave honest reviews on an Amazon website (,, etc).

How do I get the books to review?

Two or three weeks before the scheduled release of a new book you’ll get a Digital ARC copy through Book Funnel.

As an ARC member, you must know how to open/use either a Mobi, or ePub file (we’ll send directions and links).

What do I have to do?

It’s easy! As soon as a new Johana Gavez book is ready for the ARC Team, you’ll receive an email with a link to the book as well as information about the expected publication date and review deadline.

If you’d like to read the book and feel you’ll be able to read and review by the deadline, download the book from the Book Funnel link and enjoy!

When the book is published, you’ll receive an email with the link to the book on Amazon & Goodreads, as well as directions on how to post your review. Your review can be as simple or elaborate as you want.

When should I post my review?

Posting on the day of the launch would be ideal. However, we know life gets busy and your ‘to be read’ pile is probably huge. If you can’t make release day, within the first few days/two weeks is wonderful.

What if I don’t like the book?

That’s okay! Not all books are for everyone. Your honest review is all we ask for, and all we want. The review you leave or the number of stars you give to the book won’t affect your standing on the ARC Team.

Fill out this form to apply to the ARC team!

Do you agree to NEVER copy or share your ARC with anyone? (required)

Do you understand that the ARC version may not be the final version and may contain typos and other errors that will be fixed once the final version is available? *(required)